Chapter 1

Story Edited by Jordan Sweeny Chapter 1: Bulldog’s left shoe rang, the same shoe he’s had for 20 years. Flipping off the heel he answered, “Yello?” The Director of the Agency was on the other end. “Bulldog” he said, “we have an emergency here in the capitol, I need you back right away.” “Roger that” shouted Bulldog abruptly, “I’ll be on my way just as soon as I take care of these bank robbers.” With that, he wrestled his left shoe back on and turned his mind once again to the men shooting at him. Six masked gunmen had him pinned behind a leather chair in the lobby, each one angrily hugging an A-K 47 and pummeling bullets in Bulldog’s direction. With the stuffing of the chair on its last layer, suddenly Bulldog sprang to action. He quickly removed three bullets from his gun (waste not want not!) and summersaulted out from behind the cha...