Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Bulldog interrupted brusquely, “Arrr…that be all?! Thought you’d have more!” “Silence!” shrieked the Captain pompously. He continued, “Therefore, by the power of the Queen of England, I sentence you to walk the plank.” The Captain rolled up the scroll and placed it back in his vest quipping, “Any last words before I carry out the sentence?” “Yeah,” growled Bad Eye, “Do you need a special booster seat to reach the helm of the ship, Little Guy?” The whole crew snickered at this remark. The Captain whipped his head around to silence his subordinates, then turned back to Bulldog and declared, “We shall see how funny you are when the sharks have you for dinner.” With that, the Captain slowly opened his overcoat to reveal a shiny pistol. Maintaining uninterrupted eye contact with Bad Eye, he leisurely removed the gun from his waistband, pointed it at Bulldog and said evenl...