Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Maria, the evil Greek spy, cackled from the front seat of her car as she raced down the road mentally marinating the maniacal revenge she had exacted on her arch nemesis, Bulldog White. She squealed and howled with joy, jerking the steering wheel left and right, causing the contents of her trunk to smack against the sides of the car. “You like it back there, Bulldog?” she wailed with glee. Earlier that morning, Maria had captured Bulldog. Certain of Bulldog’s dependable daily routines and favorite hang-out spots, Maria had patiently for hours waited outside the Dollar Tree. She had spent the morning ruminating about her revenge…remembering the gold heist in Trinidad. The job that had gone so perfectly, until Bulldog had shown up and arrested her. During her 7 long years of incarceration in a Trinidad prison, she had plotted her revenge. After springing her gang from jail a few days ago, her perfect plan was finally set in motio...