Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The door said Jaclynn Cherry CPA. There was a storm brewing outside the office as well as inside. Jaclynn was standing behind the desk sweating and the lightning outside illuminated her face. She was furiously shoving papers into her bag and burning the rest in a waste paper basket. Jaclynn had many famous clients, but the one client that was making her do all this was Bulldog White. She had been Bulldog’s accountant for years. And all those years she had been taking just a little off the top; not much, just enough so Bulldog wouldn’t notice. And he hadn’t noticed…until now!! Somehow Bulldog had found out about her bookkeeping, and the only thing Bulldog hated more than too much buttermilk in his cornbread was a crooked accountant. When Jaclynn was nervous she changed her pants. She was on her fifth pair now. Another bolt of lightning and a crash of thunder sounded behind her. She turned toward...