Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The door said Jaclynn Cherry CPA.  There was a storm brewing outside the office as well as inside.  Jaclynn was standing behind the desk sweating and the lightning outside illuminated her face.  She was furiously shoving papers into her bag and burning the rest in a waste paper basket.
Jaclynn had many famous clients, but the one client that was making her do all this was Bulldog White.   She had been Bulldog’s accountant for years.   And all those years she had been taking just a little off the top; not much, just enough so Bulldog wouldn’t notice.  And he hadn’t noticed…until now!! Somehow Bulldog had found out about her bookkeeping, and the only thing Bulldog hated more than too much buttermilk in his cornbread was a crooked accountant.
When Jaclynn was nervous she changed her pants. She was on her fifth pair now.  Another bolt of lightning and a crash of thunder sounded behind her.  She turned toward the window and looked out of it.  After a moment she chuckled to herself.  Why was she so nervous?  When she found out Bulldog might be coming after her, she had hired Lance LaGrange, the best hitman in the business. Jaclynn knew that once Lance was paid to do a job, he wouldn’t quit until it was complete.   She sort of felt sorry for Bulldog, but it was either him or her!
At the next crack of thunder, the lights went out in her office.  Jaclynn had a slight panic attack, but then muttered to herself, “Everything’s okay, everything’s okay.”   She started going through drawers of her desk, “Damn, where is that thing?” she softly said to herself.
“Looking for this?” said a voice out of the dark. 
Jaclynn’s head whipped around and with a click a flashlight, Jaclynn could see the silhouette of man in the door way of her office. 
“Who is it?  Who is there?” Said Jaclynn with a shaky voice. 
The man started to walk toward her, “When you steal from a man, you should at least recognize his voice.” said the figure. He walked right up to Jaclynn until both of their faces were lit up by the flashlight.  
She gasped, “Bulldog!”
“That’s right,” said Bulldog, “I’m here for the money you took from me and I ain’t leaving till I have it.” 
Jaclynn grabbed her bag, clutched it to her chest and backed herself into the wall.   “Now, look Bulldog, don’t do anything rash, we can work this out.” 
“The only way this will be worked out is when I get my money back in my pocket,” stated Bulldog as he calmly took another step to her.
“Don’t do it Bulldog, don’t do it! You’re in trouble and you don’t even know it,” pleaded Jaclynn. 
“Oh, really?” Smirked Bulldog.   
“Yes,” said Jaclynn, “I’ve put a bounty out on your head! Yeah, that’s right! A bounty!! Lance LaGrange!!  The best hitman in the business!! He’s after you!” 
Bulldog just looked at her.
Jaclynn continued, “So, we’ll make a deal.  You let me walk out of here and I’ll call off Lance.  How about it? Do we have a deal?”
Bulldog chuckled to himself.  He walked over to the closet door.  He shined the flashlight in his own face and winked and Jaclynn.  Then he turned the knob on the door and a body, tied up from head to toe, fell out of the closet with a bag on its head.  He shined ripped off the bag to reveal Lance LaGrange, looking much worse for wear. 
“This is the guy you sent after me?” snickered Bulldog.  
Jaclynn had a look of horror on her face.
“Never stand down wind of a man you’re stalking when your breath reeks of onions.” 
Suddenly the lights came back on in the office.  Lance looked up and Jaclynn. 
“I thought you were the best,” she screamed at him.  
Bulldog tuned off the flashlight and slowly walked up to her desk. 
“Now, down to business,” said Bulldog, “after looking over my receipts for the last five years it looks like you have taken a total of $1.79 from my account. I want it back now.”   
Jaclynn ran over to her purse sitting on the desk.  She poured it out on the desk and sorted through all the contents, helplessly shoving $1.80 toward Bulldog’s face.  Bulldog counted the money, reached into his pocket and flung a penny on the desk. “I always like to keep my accounts straight.”
With that Bulldog walked out of the office and Jaclynn breathed a huge sigh of relief. A mere moment later, Bulldog stuck his head in the doorway and Jaclynn practically fainted.  
Bulldog looked at her holding up a ticket, “Oh by the way, do you validate?”

Idea for story:  Bulldog White

Written by:  Scott White

Edited by:  Jordan Mcmillian


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