Santa’s sleigh burned in the snow. His reindeer roamed in an open field nearby. All the gifts for all the good children around the world - burning to cinders. Santa turned on his side and gasped for air, a track of snow behind him chronicling his crawl away from the wreckage. A black boot slammed in front of Ol’ Saint Nick’s ol’ saint face. The black boot led up to a man covered in black body armor, obscuring his eyes with black goggles. “Well, well, well, Santa. Looks like you had yourself a little accident!” chortled The Man in Black. “Isn’t one of the first lessons in flight school to always keep an out for projectiles?” The Man in Black pointed to his Jeep. A rocket launcher was mounted in the back. “You never know what you might run your sleigh into up there.” Santa cried out, “ Why ?! Why would you do this to me - and the children?” Sneering, The Man in Black hissed, “Children? I don’t care about ch...