Chapter 8

Chapter 8: In a sterile and frigid laboratory, a tall man in a three-piece suit stood triumphantly facing a giant control panel while a six-foot rabbit dangled quietly in a cage over a boiling cauldron of water. After what felt like an eternity for the trapped rabbit, the tall man began to saunter around the cauldron in deliberate, calculated circles. “Well, well now, Easter Bunny…you know what I am in the mood for? Rabbit stew!” chuckled the man in the suit. “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” cried the Easter Bunny. “What have I ever done to you?” “What have you done to me? You have ruined my sales! Collapsed my empire! Pushed me out of the market! Ring any bells, Mister?” screamed the man in the suit. “Your empire?” the Easter Bunny asked, his paws grasping the bars of the cage as he pushed his innocent nose through his tiny prison to get a better glimpse of his captor. ...