Chapter 16:

And the giant Venus flytrap snapping at his heels from the pit beneath him.
Buck Rogers twisted above the flytrap and clamped his own
trap. Annoyed, Meredith arose from her throne and descended the staircase. The
guards stationed on every step bowed as she passed.
As she reached the bottom of the staircase, her flytrap
stretched out one of its three hungry heads for affection. The queen obliged.
“My poor, sweet pet here hasn’t eaten in days,” Meredith
mourned as she gently stroked the plant. “Tell me, Mr. Rogers, have you ever
been digested… slowly? It’s very unpleasant. I’m assuming, anyway.”
“Oh, drop dead, you harpy!” Buck taunted. “You’re not gonna
get a peep outta me!”
Meredith cocked one of her caterpillar eyebrows at a guard standing near a wall-mounted lever and nodded. He immediately pulled it, lowering Buck to mere inches above the flytrap.
Meredith cocked one of her caterpillar eyebrows at a guard standing near a wall-mounted lever and nodded. He immediately pulled it, lowering Buck to mere inches above the flytrap.
“I’m tired of this,” the queen sighed and inspected her
impeccable self-manicured nails for any chips. “Tell me where you partner is…
The doors to her throne room flung open. A guard dragged in
a bound, gagged, and blindfolded man behind her.
Being an unfortunate admixture of Sicilian and Irish
extraction, it proved a struggle for Queen Meredith to constantly suppress her
boiling rage. Oh great. Another interloper. When all she wanted to do that day
was curl up on her cushioned throne, drink tea, finish her nineteenth (or was
it eighteenth?) reading of A Confederacy
of Dunces, and contemplate accelerating the inevitable heat death of the
universe and reigning over the ashes.
“GAAAAAAAH!!! NOW WHAT!?!” she screamed.
“My queen,” replied the guard, bowing. “I discovered this
trespasser creeping around the perimeter of your castle.”
After a couple of yogic breathing exercises to calm her
genetic predisposition, Meredith shot a cocky grin in Buck’s direction. “So. I
guess I don’t need you after all, seeing as how your imbecile friend walked
into getting captured all on his own,” she intoned. “Guard? Bring him here!”
All three of the flytrap’s heads snapped at the hapless man as the guard sloughed him over to her queen’s feet.
All three of the flytrap’s heads snapped at the hapless man as the guard sloughed him over to her queen’s feet.
“Throw him in,” came the command.
The guard, growing giddy at the chance to finally show the big boss that she could chuck meat with the best of ‘em, golly gee, and maybe she should get a promotion, hoisted up the hostage and into one of the hungry flytrap mouths. It snapped shut and, as its prey struggled, only clamped down harder. Digestive juices seeped out of its teeth and onto the floor with a hiss.
Buck screamed and cried, snot and tears pooling and dripping down his chin.
The guard, growing giddy at the chance to finally show the big boss that she could chuck meat with the best of ‘em, golly gee, and maybe she should get a promotion, hoisted up the hostage and into one of the hungry flytrap mouths. It snapped shut and, as its prey struggled, only clamped down harder. Digestive juices seeped out of its teeth and onto the floor with a hiss.
Buck screamed and cried, snot and tears pooling and dripping down his chin.
Queen Meredith laughed her shrill and haughty cackle. “Oh,
no need to worry, Mr. Rogers. You’ll be joining him in due time.”
She raised her huge black caterpillar eyebrows (seriously
she looks like Zachary Quinto, but a girl) at the guard in charge of the pit’s
levers. As he threw the switch, the guard from outside leapt onto one of the
flytrap heads, launched off, and grabbed Buck by the waist!
The flytrap snapped its jaws shut just as the pair twisted out of the way and hit the ground. Buck scrambled up and brushed himself off, staring at his rescuer the entire time. As the guard’s helmet slowly crept up…
“BULLDOG?!” Buck exclaimed! “B-but… how?!”
The flytrap snapped its jaws shut just as the pair twisted out of the way and hit the ground. Buck scrambled up and brushed himself off, staring at his rescuer the entire time. As the guard’s helmet slowly crept up…
“BULLDOG?!” Buck exclaimed! “B-but… how?!”
Bulldog grinned. “Oh, the ol’ switcharoo and pitch shift.
Now let’s get outta here,” he said. The men made a run for the door as Queen
Meredith commanded their capture.
All of her guards stationed on the staircase descended with
elegant speed. Bulldog and Buck stopped at the bottom of the stairs, smiled at
each other, and yanked the carpet out from beneath them. As their victims
flailed about in impotent confusion, they threw the rug on top of them.
“GAAAAAAHHHHH!!! YOU NUMBUTS!!!” Meredith screeched.
“YOU!” she pointed at the guard near the lever. “GO! GO! GO!
GO! GO!”
He drew his sword and dashed toward Bulldog and Buck, also
silently praying for a promotion. Bulldog lifted up a shield deposited by one
of the indisposed staircase guards by his foot. And he promptly launched it
right at the guard.
It hit him right in the noggin, causing him to stumble back
and into an eager mouth of the still-hungry Venus flytrap!
Bulldog and Buck turned toward the door and found waiting
for them Queen Meredith herself. She pointed a retrofuturist Space Gun at them,
eyes flashing with fury.
“Why do I bother with these incompetents? I hate doing my
own dirty work, but I suppose it’s unavoidable,” she mused. “And I offered them
full benefits packages, including tuition reimbursement, and raises at the end
of every fiscal year, too. BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M DRIVING AT HERE.”
She repositioned her Space Gun back on the two men. Just
before her finger tripped the trigger, Bulldog began emanating unintelligible
sounds. The room fell silent. Queen Meredith could only stare, her
generously-proportioned Mediterranean schnozz crinkling in confusion.
Then she laughed and shot at them.
And then the last flytrap head took her prisoner in its
jaws. The Space Rays from her Space Gun harmlessly struck a statue of Keanu
Queen Meredith shrieked and clung to her pet’s terrible
pointy teeth. Bulldog and Buck stood there and watched as she helplessly
thrashed against the makeshift bars.
Buck turned to Bulldog. “You speak plant?” he asked.
Buck turned to Bulldog. “You speak plant?” he asked.
“Yep,” said Bulldog. “Fred taught me. I told the plant she
tastes like strawberry. Flytraps love strawberry. Breaks up the monotony of an
insect-heavy diet.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Bulldog noticed that the guards trapped beneath the rug began to pull themselves out.
“We better get out of here,” he instructed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Bulldog noticed that the guards trapped beneath the rug began to pull themselves out.
“We better get out of here,” he instructed.
Turning toward Queen Meredith, he added, “You better hope
your guards didn’t hear you calling them incompetents. They may not help you
The disgraced monarch could only hang her head in shame as her prey escaped, laughing all the way.
Story By: Bulldog White
Written By: Scott White
Edited By: Meredith Nudo www,
The disgraced monarch could only hang her head in shame as her prey escaped, laughing all the way.
Story By: Bulldog White
Written By: Scott White
Edited By: Meredith Nudo www,
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